Sharpen your stroke with the cleverest innovation in putting practice!

Putting Mirror


Putting mirrors help you during practice and warmup by giving immediate visual reference that your body and eyes are postioned over the ball properly, such that you can aim accurately and and see the same sight "picture" over the ball when making a stroke.  It's a very handy tool for use on our putting mats, or take it to the practice green in your golf bag before your round.

-INCLUDES protective drawstring bag -

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Our Products

TeeterBalls - PAIR

TeeterBall is a cleverly designed and patented practice ball created to get your putting stroke dialed-in so you can make more putts on the course!

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Putting Mat

Get the mat we used to develop TeeterBall. There are none purer.

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Putting Mirror

Get your putting setup dialed-in... every time.

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Just a short time spent practicing with TeeterBall will help you develop a solid and pure putting stroke, and a quick warmup before your rounds will get you ready to roll more pars and birdies!

Get dialed-in with TeeterBall!.